Arrest Tedros for Crimes Against Humanity – W. H. O.: Abortion ‘essential’ during coronavirus pandemic By Dorothy Cummings McLean for Life Site News
GNN Note – The entire planet is in this mess because of the Director of W.H.O. – Tedros LIED to the world. Now, his origination – that our labor, collected through taxes – sponsors this nonsense to the tune of $58 million in the last U.S. budget. This needs to stop immediately.
Women should be allowed to abort their children at home, and abortions should continue even if antibiotics aren’t available, said a WHO medical officer.
GENEVA, Switzerland, April 1, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A representative of the World Health Organization recently said that abortion should be considered an “essential service” during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Dr. Antonella Lavalanet, a medical officer in the WHO’s “Maternal and Perinatal Health & Preventing Unsafe Abortion Team,” spoke to almost 5,000 people last Friday in an online presentation hosted by the pro-abortion Sexual Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) journal.
Prompted by veteran WHO legal advisor Eszter Kismődi, currently the CEO of SRHM, Lavalanet stressed that abortions must go on, even in the midst of a global health emergency and even if the mothers are infectious.
“WHO recently released a guidance document related to the clinical management of respiratory infection, and in that document we said that women’s choices and rights to sexual reproductive health care should be respected irrespective of [their] COVID-19 status,” Lavalanet said.
“That includes access to contraception and safe abortion to the full extent of the law.”
The WHO officer said that her organization was working with other UN agencies on guidance that defines what social services are, “including safe abortion [sic], especially as we know in some settings abortion is being deffered to later gestation which carries its own risks,” she said.